Last Updated on 1 year by Namrata
Are you anticipating the arrival of your first grandchild or are you already a grandparent? One of the joys of being a grandparent is the opportunity to choose or discover what your grandchild will call you. There are numerous options to choose from, including traditional names and more unique ones.
There is no one like grandparents in our life, and they deserve a nickname, like their character and nature. Maybe your kids’ grandparents are goofy, stern, or chic- but no matter what they are like, they are wise and experienced. Because your grandparents have a lot of experience, their advice can benefit you even if it is unsolicited.
After all, grandparenting is love, excitement, and connection they have without stress with their grandkids. Do not be afraid. If you are feeling the pressure to come up with a unique name that is not grandpa or grandma. These names are not mandatory by the laws. Because everyone uses a single and famous name, it does not mean you should follow the same trend. The most common and popular name for grandma in Hawaii is “mama”, which might bewilder you if your kids already call the mother by this name.
Grandparents share an extraordinary bond with their Grandkids, and this relationship asks for a unique name. Many grandparents’ names have family or cultural significance, while some names are derived from the first grandchild of the family or possibly what they pronounce at that age. From pawpaw to grandpa and all other adorable names, we have mentioned 130 Cute Names for Grandparents, including both unique and traditional options. Following are the tips for selecting a name for your kid’s grandparents.
1. Choose from what’s popular.
According to a survey, some names are the most popular and loved by the grandparents. Following is a list of the most used and popular grandpa and grandma names. The below list is a mix of more creative and more traditional.
- Grandma (10%)
- Nana (11%)
- Grammy (7%)
- Gigi (6%)
- Mimi (6%)
- Grandpa (15%)
- Zaza (7%)
- Pop (9%)
2. Use from your grandparents
Many grandparents like to be called by the same name they called their grandparents. They feel honored when their grandkids call them by that name. Some individuals can relate the idea or sense of being a grandparent to the name they used to call their grandparent. When you hear your grandfather or grandmother’s name, they will remind you of warmth and nostalgia. The name is the perfect choice to keep in the family.
3. Become traditional
Nana is one of the most traditional names for grandparents. The two most conventional pairings of grandparents’ names are, grandpa and grandma and nana and papa. The names carry a sense of culture, are universally understood, and are classy.
4. Select a nickname
While 10% of grandparents in the poll are called Nana and Papa, and another 10% are called Grandpa and Grandma. Around 30% of grandfathers and grandmothers have some of these versions of traditional names. Some of the most renowned and popular shortenings for nana and grandma include Grammy, gram, granny, g-ma, and Nan. The grandkids often shorten the papa or grandpa to Pop, Gramps, Pap, Grandaddy, Poppy, or G-ma.
5. Allow your grandchild to pick
Some grandparents like to be called by the same name they initially got called by their grandchild when they were born. For example, a kid first called their grandma Ahma when he was born. In most cases, even if the parents choose the nickname for their kid’s grandmother or grandfather, the kid will come with something else of their own. They might call the grandmother Ahma because they could not pronounce grandma in their initial days.
They might also call you Gimmie because they will link you with someone who gives them whatever they want, or they might come up with something out of the box on their own. Some of the creative names discovered by the kids are Bubba, boop, GamGam, Googoo, Gaga, Rah-Rah, and gram. These 130 Cute Names for Grandparents might be hard to digest, but they are for real.
6. Remain formal
You can train your grandkid to call your wife and you, sir and Mimie, to help the kid develop their language skill. If you are fond of the purified sound of a formal name as a grandparent, Mrs, lady, grandfather, duke, and grandmother are some good ideas.
7. Get back to your roots.
One of the families had a set of grandparents and great-grandparents. The great-grandmother was an immigrant from Germany, and her grandkid called her ‘Oma.’ The word was German, sweet to the ears, and saved from confusion.
Nearly 10% of grandparents in the survey chose their name based on their vernacular, the language of their ancestors, or their native language. In some cases, the name was carried forward through generations. In other cases, the kids call the grandparents by a shortened variety of foreign words as a creative and unique name.
The most used and common names you can include in the list of 130 Cute Names for Grandparents are Nonna/Nonno (Italian), YiaYia/Pappoús (Greek), Mémère/Mémé, Babcia/Dziadzia (Polish), Oma/Opa (German), Kapuna (Hawaiian), Lola/Lolo (Filipino), Pépère/Papi (French), Mawmaw/Pawpaw (Southern U.S.), Abuelo/Abuela (Spanish).
8. Choose something silly
Sometimes being silly can be cute. For example, the oldest grandson of a grandmother loved to gaze at the cuckoo bird in her clock. The grandkid would always reach out to the grandma and say cuckoo. The name stuck in the mind of all four grandkids, and they started calling their grandmother “Cuckoo”, and she too loved the name.
Reconnecting with a silly version of you is the best part of being a grandparent. You can allow your grandkid to choose a stupid name or pick a name to be unique. Here are some funny and silly names for grandparents sugar, sassy, sweetie pie, poppy, queenie, lolly, lovie, cookie, honey, cuckoo, Minnie, coco, and banana for grandmothers and grumpy, jimmy, digger, captain, bubba, dude, popsicle, peanut, o willie for grandpas.
9. Be creative
Sometimes going out of the box and getting a creative name is good. Many grandkids begin calling their grandparents by a name given by their parents initially. But as they grow older, they start giving names by themselves. Sometimes the name given by the kids is not even words or names at all.
You might not know the origin of the name and from where it was inspired. But they are unique and creative. Many grandparents have names, such as Nina, Tita, KayKay, lolly, wowo, Paqui, Super G, Mo, Sam, guppy, Owie, and Mambo for granny and Vita, wagi, Pompi, Taw taw, Bebop, banky and boompa for grandfather out there.
As you must have understood, the name does not matter. It is the kid that calls you. When you think like this, it does not matter which name your grandkid picks or what you choose for yourself. Whatever name you choose, it should be your favorite one. Live it and enjoy it.
10. Pronunciation Ease
Sometimes nicknames for the grandparents can be tricky for the kids to pronounce. Thus, always select a name that will be easy for the little ones to remember and pronounce. You can also consider the grandparents’ personalities while picking names for them. Are they outgoing, traditional, bubbly, or fun? Are they more inclined towards discipline and seriousness? Keep these individual traits in mind and select the best ones from the 130 Cute Names for Grandparents.
Following is the list of 130 Cute Names for Grandparents.
130 Cute Names for Grandmother
- Abuela (Spanish)
- Bamaw, Bammaw
- Aanaga or Aana
- Amma
- Big Mama
- Abuelita, Uelita, Tita, Abby, Abbi, Lita (Spanish)
- Avo (Portuguese)
- Bubbie
- Aggie
- Baba (Serbian)
- DaMa, Dama, Dammaw
- Ajji (South western India)
- Bamaw
- Eema, Eemaw, Ema
- Ama
- Bambi
- Ama sani
- Bammie
- G
- Amatchi (South Western France and North Eastern Spain)
- Busia (Polish)
- Gada
- Ambuya
- Cookie
- Gadgee, Gadgi, Gadgy
- Amm
- Damma
- GaMa, Gamma
- Ammamamma
- Dodie
- Gammi, Gammy, Gami
- Ammaw
- Gigi
- Ganna
- Amona
- G-Ma
- Ganni, Ganny, Gani
- Anneanne (Turkish)
- Gramma
- GanGan
- Anya, Yanya (Hungarian)
- Grammaw
- Gommie, Gommy
- Anyoka, nagyanya (Hungarian)
- Grammie
- Gram
- Anyu
- Grammy
- Gramma, Grama
- Apohang babae (Filipino)
- Grams
- Gramommie
- Audie
- Gran
- Granana
- Àvia, Iaia (Spanish)
- Grandmama
- Grananny
- Avino (Esperanto)
- Grandmomma
- Grandma
- Avó (Portuguese)
- Grandmother
- Grandgran
- Avoa (Galician)
- Granma
- Grandma
- Awa (Indian)
- Grannie
- Grandmom
- Ba (Vietnamese)
- Granny
- Grandnan
- Babaanne (Turkish)
- Mama
- Granma
- Babicka, Babi (Slovakian)
- Mammaw
- Granmama
- Babka, Babcia, Babcia, Baba, Boucha, Busia, Busha (Polish)
- Manga
- Granmom
- Babs
- Granna
- Marmie
- Babushka, Busha, Buka, Baboo (Russian)
- Meemaw
- Gumma
- Baka (Croatian)
- Meme
- Jamma
- Bammer
- Mémère (French)
- Mamaw, Mammaw
- BB, BeBe
- Mimi
- Mamey, Mammy
- Bé già, Ba (Vietnamese)
- Mommom
- Mams
- Bebia (Georgian)
- Mom-mom
- Marmi, Marme
- Bedstemoder (Danish)
- MawMaw
- Momo
- Bebia (Georgian)
- Momsy
- MayMay
- Bedstemoder (Danish)
- Bestemor, Godmor (Norwegian)
- Moomoo
- Maymee
- Beppe (Frisian)
- Mummum
- MeMa, Meema
- Mumpa
- MeMaw, Mimaw
- Beybey
- Nan
- MeMo, MeeMo, Mimo
- Bibi, Nyanya (African Swahili)
- Nana
- MeeMee, MeMe, MiMi
- Big Meme
- Nano
- Mimma
- Bo
- Nanny
- Mimmy, Mimsy
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130 Cute Names for Grandfather
- Abuelo
- Banfy
- Aba (South America)
- Afi (Icelandic)
- Banpa
- Abuelito, Tito, Lito (Spanish)
- Baboo
- Banpy
- Agiduda, E-du-di (Cherokee)
- Bamps
- Bappa
- Aitona (Basque)
- Deda (Serbian)
- Bappy
- Ajja (Southwestern India)
- Dido (Croatian)
- Beebaw
- Ampa
- Dzedo (Serbian)
- BoBo
- Apohang lalaki (Filipino)
- Dziadzia (Polish)
- BooBoo, Boo
- Ataataga (Eskimo, Inupiaq dialect)
- G-Pa
- Boompa
- Aviah (Catalan)
- Grampa
- Boppa, Bop
- Avô (Esperanto, Galician, Portuguese)
- Gramps
- Da
- Baba (Turkmen)
- Grampy
- Da Pa
- Babagjysh (Albanian)
- Grandad
- DaPaw
- Babakoto (Malagasy)
- Granddad
- Drampa
- Babu (Georgian and Swahili)
- Grandpa
- Drampaw
- Bamper
- Grandpapa
- G
- Bedstefader (Danish)
- Grandpappy
- Gampa
- BeeBop
- Granpappy
- Gamps
- Bestefar (Norwegian)
- Granpup
- Gampy
- Big Bear
- Grinndy
- Gran
- Big D
- Grumpa
- Grand
- Big Papa
- Grumpy
- Granda
- Big Pepere
- Hee-haw
- Grandaddy
- Bobo, Doda (Uzbek)
- Ho-ho
- Grandiddy
- Bonpahttp, Bonpa (Flemish)
- Huggy
- Grandgramp
- Boochie
- King
- Grandpappy
- Boom-pa
- Nonno (Italian)
- Granpap
- Boopa
- Opa (Dutch)
- Granpoppy
- Bop-O
- Pa
- Granpop
- Boppa
- Papa
- Granpoppa
- Boss
- Papaw
- Gumpa
- Boy
- Papi
- Gumpy
- Bpoo (Thai)
- Pappi
- Gwampa
- Bubba
- Pappou (Greek)
- Pampa
- Bug
- Pappy
- Pap
- Bubba
- Papu
- PapPap
- Bullet
- Papps
- Pawpaw
- Bumpa
- Peepaw
- PawPee
- Bumper
- Pépère (French)
- Pop
- Bumpie
- Poppa
- Bungie
- Pogo
- PopPop
- Bunic, Bunicut (Romanian)
- Popo
- Poppy
- Bunky
- Poppi
- Pops
- Cebuano (Filipino)
- Pumpa
- Popsi
These are some of the cute names which you can give to your grandparents to make your bond stronger with them. Grandparents can be your best friend and become your guardian angel for life. Giving them a cute name would be a pleasant gift to them.
Cool Activities to do with Grandparents
Grandparents are always special and a place of comfort for the children. So they must spend some quality time with their grandma and grandpa. So once you pick up the cute grandparents’ names from the list above, you can do some cool activities with them.
- Playing card games
- Going through a photo album together
- Listening to stories from them
- Solving word puzzles or crosswords together
- Drawing a family tree
- Watching a funny movie together
- Going for a walk
End Verdict
We hope you have chosen a good name for your grandparents. This list of 130 Cute Names for Grandparents has helped many families choose a unique name. These cute names will help you to cherish your bond with your loved one.
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