Things to do in Quarantine with kids

Last Updated on 1 year by Namrata

As the schools are being closed since the outbreak of the pandemic and it is done as a safety measure for the wellbeing of the children, the children have suffered mentally and physically by becoming disoriented as the discipline, structure and motivation by the environment of the schools has been terribly missed.

They have missed the opportunity to be with their friends and have a social interaction with them and thus disturbing their mental health too.

The State Government’s even have notified the parents of the children below the age of 5 years to work from home and not attend their workstation.

Therefore with maximum people at home, it has become a challenging part to balance lives, kids, family, health, and both household chores and professional works and the most difficult part in quarantine days is to engage your children with something constructive that helps in their mental and physical growth too.

The kids need to be taught about the concept of Coronavirus, Social Distancing and Face Masks.

The best way to keep the kids engaged is by making optimum utilization of Art and Crafts

Let the kid sharpen his creative skills. As a parent or a guardian you should encourage the kids to use their creativity and do some innovative activities.

Different activities like collage making is very useful. Help the child in making different collage of friends and families. Try collecting photos of the friends and families and help them in preparing collage. This would also help them keeping it for future use.

You can also engage your child in decorating and painting their room walls with their favorite colour or pictures. You can help them in rearranging their rooms.

There are different online videos available for pottery making and with the motorized pottery wheel you can also help them in making different craft items. There can also be  activities done using Air dry clay.

To keep the kids engaged, there are different paper craft activities for kids. Encourage the kids to do paper craft activities like making a fish from paper plates, airplanes, spinners, making different cards like friendship cards, birthday cards,

Different activities can be done using crayons like coloring corrugated boxes within a given time frame, painting the cotton balls, balloon painting.

Things to do in Quarantine with kids

Few activities to be done for a healthy quarantine period for kids:

  • Pierce positive mindset

Try to build positivity in the minds of the kids by discussing positive news, thoughts and help them in grow in a positive environment.

These positive thoughts will help the kids in building self confidence in future too

  • Let your kid learn

There should be an environment where the kids can learn and grow and acquire knowledge that helps them in future

They should get all the freedom to learn and explore and should not have a strict environment for the same as with the strict environment the kids might get bored.

  • Let the kids practice a new skill everyday

Your kid should develop a habit of learning a new skill every day, be it any posture of a yoga, meditation or gardening

  • Let the kids learn cooking

Depending on the age, the kids can learn some simple cooking skills too like making a sandwich without using gas

  • Train them the basic skills

Let the kids make optimum utilization of the quarantine period. As a parent or guardian you can always train them the basic skills of life like washing clothes, helping you in the kitchen, cleaning the house

  • Follow strict morning schedule

The kids should always have a walk in the lawn or start the day with a morning prayer and this will lead to positivity in the mind and body. This will keep the kid active through-out the day

  • Have a family dine out

You can always have a small arrangement of family get together in the lawn or any open area of your house so that the kids can enjoy and also you can have arrangement for indoor camping at night

  • Have a virtual family day in a week

You can always have a video chat with the kith and kins. If the Grandparents stay away, then the kids can have a video chat with them may be for an hour a day. This will not make them feel lonely.

  • Let the kids play

Create a fixed schedule in a day for the kids to play. It should not be the case that the kid keeps on playing the whole day. Playing their favorite game will keep them happy but it should not exceed the time limit.

You should encourage the kids to play games like puzzle solving, board games to develop concentration.

  • Let the kids learn the making of face masks with unused clothes

Help them in making homemade face masks

  • Nurture the habit of eating right food

This quarantine period is the best time to make the kid eat healthy and keep them away from the junk foods.

  • Limit the screen time

Although education has been made online, you should always limit their screen time. You should always fix a schedule for watching television or playing online games.

To make the kids happy you can arrange a special movie time with their favorite snacks.

  • Have a prize day in a week

Let your kids know, if they act in a disciplined way and they adhere to the rules you make, they will be given a prize once in a week.

This does not mean you will give them only material thing as a prize; it can be a treat of any favorite dish of them.

  • Prepare a quarantine diary

You should encourage the kids to maintain diary writing about the coronavirus, its effects and all the activities done during the quarantine period.

These healthy tips will not only help the kids during the quarantine period but also help them in a lifetime.

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