Self-Care Strategies for Exhausted New Moms

Have you become a new Mom? If yes, then it’s going to be a life-changing experience for you.

Motherhood is a wonderful journey. But it comes with certain challenges. Most mother use all their energies to take care of their newborn baby. They spend sleepless nights or do household work for full day while taking care of their new born baby and do not prioritize their well-being. It makes them sick and exhausted. 

Self-care is quite essential for a new mother. It ensures that you have enough energy and inner strength to take care of your little baby. Self-care should not be complicated or time-consuming. 

You can adopt some simple self-care tips like taking short naps when your little one sleeps or eating nourishing meals. You should also stay connected with your loved ones and take help from them when required.

The article discusses self care strategies for exhausted new moms. So read the whole article to learn some quick and easy self-care routines that can keep a new mother physically and mentally active.

Self-Care Tips For Exhausted New Moms

1. Take Adequate Rest

A new mother has to breastfeed the little one for 6-8 times in a day. You have to wake up even several times at night to take care of your baby. Sleepless nights and breastfeeding within a gap of a few hours can make you feel extremely exhausted. 

Again, if there are endless household chores, then it may be difficult for you to get sufficient hours of tight sleep in a day. Improper sleep can make you feel weak, tired and physically and mentally inactive. It can adversely affect the production of the breast milk.

Try to sleep when your newborn baby sleeps for a few hours. Remember, household chores can be done afterward. You should prioritise your sleep. Keep your bedroom as calm and quiet as possible. 

Use a white noise machine or blackout curtains if possible to have an uninterrupted sleep for a few hours. You may use relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing exercises to calm down your mind. You may not sometimes fall asleep immediately when you go to bed during the daytime. But remember, taking a rest for a few minutes can even help to recharge your body and mind.

2. Eat Nutritious Food

A new mother should eat a balanced diet in a day. You should include dairy food, cereals, fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, cereals and pasta. You should get a good amount of protein, iron and calcium as these vitamins are quite essential after delivery. 

Again, if you are breastfeeding, then you require an extra 500 calories on top of the daily 2000 calories.

One challenge that most new moms face is that they don’t have enough time to prepare healthy meals and snacks. Well, you can prepare meals in advance.

3. Stay Hydrated

Most people think that drinking too much water after delivery can cause water retention problems. But it is a myth. You need to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily to stay hydrated. You may also incorporate some healthy beverages in your diet, like coconut water or herbal tea, to stay hydrated. It even helps to produce adequate breast milk to feed your baby.

4. Physical Exercise

New moms feel tired after giving birth. Incorporating regular exercise into the routine helps to increase energy levels and enhance your physical and mental health. New mothers should exercise for at least 30 minutes three times a week. 

Always have proper nutrition and hydration before doing any exercises. You should aim to lose one to two kilograms per month after delivery. Try to do light exercises like pelvic floor exercises and yoga for blood circulation. It will help you to recover faster from the changes that your body went through during the nine months of pregnancy.

But don’t exercise too much, as it can adversely affect breast milk production. Again, if you have a cesarean section, consult your doctor before doing exercises.

5. Relax Your Body And Mind

Incorporating relaxation techniques is important for a new mom. You should begin with deep breathing exercises. Focus on your inhale and exhale for a few minutes a day to relax your body and mind.

Guided mediation is available on the Internet. You can choose a meditation that suits you, listen to it for a few minutes a day, and follow it.

Postnatal yoga is the next excellent way to stretch your sore muscles. Various videos of postnatal yoga are available on the Internet.

Aromatherapy even will help to relax your mind. Use some essential oils in the diffuser for relaxation.

Have a warm bath with some Epsom salt or essential oils to soothe your body.

6. Ask For Help 

After becoming a new mom, you may feel isolated or overloaded with tasks. Share baby duties or household chores with your partner or family members, and never hesitate to ask for help from anyone.

7. Join New Mom Groups

Many new mothers may feel exhausted both physically and emotionally after giving birth to a baby. It’s better to join a new moms group where you can connect with other new moms who are going through the same phase. 

You can share your experiences with them or learn some new self-care tips or how to raise a newborn baby. It is a great way to boost you emotionally.

Postpartum depression and anxiety are some of the challenges that you may face after giving birth to a baby. You should seek professional help if you are facing such problems.

8. Find Me Time

New moms should find some me time from their busy schedules. For a few minutes a day, you can enjoy a cup of tea by sitting on your balcony, reading books, or engaging in your hobby. It will recharge your body and mind and make you a patient mother. 

9. Postnatal Massage

Caring for your newborn baby can sometimes be quite stressful. Postnatal massage can make you relax and reduce anxiety and depression. However, the massage therapist needs to be both experienced and certified. 

The therapist should put a lot of pressure on your abdomen as it can cause internal bleeding. You should empty the bladder and then do the postnatal massage. If you have C-section delivery, then dont message within two months of your delivery. You should ask your doctor and then do the post-natal massage.


Self-care is highly essential for a new mother. Most mothers think that it’s selfish to self-care after giving birth to a little one. But in reality, self-care can make you more patient, and you can better take care of your little one. Try to adopt simple self-care tips like eating healthy food, doing light exercise or indulging in hobbies. 

Take help from your partner or in laws in household work or while caring for your baby. Don’t compare yourself with other new mothers on social media. Try to reduce your time as much as possible on social media platforms to reduce anxiety and comparison. These small self-care tips can make you strong physically, mentally and emotionally.


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