Is your friend or a family member pregnant, and you are looking for gifts for her? Are you confused and do not know what to give her? A DIY pregnancy survival care package filled with all the essentials that the mother-to-be needs is a perfect idea. Here we have shared all the pregnancy care package ideas to include in a kit at different stages of pregnancy.
We have pulled together all the necessary items that your pregnant friend will find helpful. The kit must contain prenatal vitamins, antacids, and a torch for going to the washroom at night.
Early pregnancy care package
If one of your friends or a family member has recently announced her pregnancy, packing a first-trimester care package is a lovely way of care and support. We have carefully analyzed all the things that moms-to-be may need in the early days of pregnancy. They need substances that will help them cope with morning sickness, feel comfortable with the changes in their body, and prepare for the arrival of their newborn.
- Relief from morning sickness
Usually, after six weeks, pregnant women start experiencing morning sickness. It lasts throughout the first trimester. You can include the following to the care package to give nausea relief to the lady:
- Mouthwash
Alcohol-free and natural mouthwash are great to put in the care package. It serves two purposes. One, to freshen the mouth after an episode of vomiting, and two, it will keep teeth and gums healthy, which generally get sensitive during pregnancy.
- Magnesium body spray
Magnesium helps ease aches and pains, improves sleep, and relieves nausea. It is a solution to issues that arise during the first trimester.
- Upspring stomach settles drops.
It is a popular morning sickness candy available on any web store. The candy has three flavors: lemon, ginger, and honey, which help quell the signs of morning sickness and nausea.
- Sea-Band natural nausea relief
Many people trust acupressure bands for relieving morning sickness. This product is a best-seller and can be an excellent addition to the care package.
2. Care for the changing body
Pregnancy involves creating a new life. So a lot is going on inside the body. The mom-to-be will need time to accept all the changes occurring in her body during the first trimester. A genuine gesture of care is including some self-care stuff in the kit.
- Soft bristle bamboo toothbrush
The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can weaken the gums and teeth. Pregnant women must therefore start using a softer bristled brush. Add a bamboo toothbrush to the kit to show some concern for the environment.
- Bliss peppermint foot cream
The first trimester involves aches, pains, and swollen feet. These things may not occur with everyone, but who would not want a massage from peppermint foot cream.
- Tums antacid drops
The most exciting gift you can give to your friend in the first trimester is a product to deal with heartburns. Tum capsules are a safe heartburn reliever. These tiny tablets have become a necessity for many pregnant ladies.
3. Methods to record pregnancy
Newly pregnant women require to read a lot to gain knowledge.
- What to expect when you are expecting
It is a pregnancy bible that has sold over 19 million copies. The author, Heidi Murkoff, has written everything in this book. She had noted down everything she had failed to find when she was expecting her first child.
- Drinking for two
This book was selected as a must-read by The Bump. It shares recipes of 45+ delicious plant-based cocktails that deliver essential nutrients and antioxidants.
Pregnancy Care Package second trimester
Out of the three, the second trimester is the easiest one. But, challenges like heartburn, constipation and managing exhaustion are still common. Here is a list of must-haves that you should include in the pregnancy care kit.
- Body Cream
During pregnancy, there can be dry skin everywhere, including the belly. The pregnant body can sometimes not maintain the moisture levels, and drinking more water is not good enough. Body cream can be helpful.
2. Extra water bottles
Having multiple water bottles can be a boon during pregnancy. The pregnant woman will get thirsty every time she pees, and she has to drink more water. If she has only one bottle, she will have to refill it again the entire night. Getting extra water bottles can be helpful because there will be no need to go to the kitchen to fill up the empty ones in the middle of the night.
3. Chapstick
Chapped lips are common in pregnancy. So keeping a natural chapstick handy is vital.
4. Maternity belt
A severe hip and lower back pain can sometimes start from the second trimester. A maternity belt can be helpful here. A maternity belt will equally distribute the extra weight and ease the hip and pelvic pains. Some other benefits of the belt include correcting posture, supporting abdominal muscles, and reducing bladder pressure.
The belt is helpful for diastasis recti which is a condition where abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy. Women can wear it during postpartum also. It is soft and adjustable according to the belly size.
5. Eye cream
Women find it difficult to sleep peacefully during pregnancy. With low moisture levels in the body, eyes can take a beating. An eye cream can brighten the eyes and give them the necessary boost.
6. Comfortable footwear
Swollen, flatten, and wide feet are common during the second trimester. Comfortable footwear will support the growing weight of the body even if the feet are good. Flat shoes will keep the lady comfortable and the baby safe. Slip-on shoes are a brilliant choice when the belly grows, and it becomes hard to lean over and put on the shoes.
7. Constipation relief
Constipation is common in the second trimester. Eating prunes and drinking lots of water can help. If your pregnant friend does not eat prunes, you can include fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, ripe bananas, avocados, raspberries, carrots, strawberries, artichoke, and Brussel sprouts. These are high in fiber in the kit.
8. Heartburn relief
Some women experience heartburn in the second trimester due to hormonal changes and pressure of the growing baby. Suggest your pregnant friend avoid spicy, fatty, and greasy foods. Eating multiple small meals instead of three bigger ones is also a way to ignore heartburns.
You can include antacids like tums if any other tip does not work. Many antacids are available in the market, and you must have the safest one in the care package.
Pregnancy Care Package third trimester
Several things simultaneously keep going on in the mind of would-be-parents in the third trimester. From bearing the discomfort of a rapidly expanding belly to packing the hospital bag and preparing the baby’s nursery, many things need to be done. Although numerous essentials from the first and second-trimester packages will be helpful, here too, some smart purchases can make the baby’s arrival more comfortable.
The following is the third-trimester shopping checklist that you can purchase for your pregnant friend:
- Nursing bra
Nursing bras are an inseparable part of the wardrobe of mothers who plan to breastfeed their little one. All the would-be and new mothers seek out comfortable clothes. Buy a nursing bra that is luxuriously soft, super stretchy, and supportive. Bras are available in various designs, colors, and in all sizes to choose from. Choose a high-quality material that does not irritate the sensitive breasts postpartum.
2. Stability ball
Stability balls are ideal for exercising in the third trimester. Pelvic exercises are significant during the last months of pregnancy to help in delivery. It is also great for sitting on as the baby’s due date is near. It promotes an optimal posture, strengthens abs and back, and gently opens the hip to prepare for labor. Your friend can use the ball during labor and bounce with the new baby after their arrival. The ball weighs around 2 pounds and is available in sizes ranging from 45 to 85 centimeters.
3. Pantyliners
Due to pregnancy hormones, there can be more discharge down there than usual. During the third trimester, the bladder cannot control the pee well. Panty liners become a necessity in such situations to protect the clothing. Natural and unscented liners can be an outstanding addition to the pregnancy care kit. Purchase liners that are gentle on sensitive skin and provide plenty of protection.
4. Humidifier
Due to pregnancy hormones, many women experience frequent nose bleeds. A humidifier can help in breathing easily and easing the symptoms. Gift your pregnant friend a humidifier that fits well in her room and runs up to 24 hours per filling.
5. Belly support band
The rapidly expanding belly during the last months of pregnancy can get uncomfortable. It can drag the women down or give back pain. A belly support band supports the baby bump during pregnancy. It is helpful even after delivery to ease postpartum pains and aches.
6. Car seat
A properly installed and ready-to-go car seat is a massive peace of mind as the third trimester approaches its end. Your friend can safely take her baby home in a car seat.
7. Compression socks
Compression socks are super relaxing. Edema can cause the feet to swell up. Wearing these socks will gently compress the ankles and calves. If the mom-to-be has several chores to complete, she will appreciate this gift.
Postpartum Pregnancy Care Package
After the birth of the baby, moms get little medical attention. You can give your pregnant friend a postpartum pregnancy care package to make their recovery a bit comfortable. You can include the following items in the care kit.
- A nursing sweatshirt
No gift can be better than comfortable clothes during the postpartum period. If your friend is planning to breastfeed, include a nursing sweatshirt in the care package of postpartum essentials. These sweatshirts are composed of cozy material with a horizontal side slit, making nursing super easy.
2. Gift certificate for food
A gift of food that takes no or fewer efforts to prepare is always appreciated and well-received. Both the parents will enjoy a homemade quiche, their favorite dish delivered at their place, or a dinner date at their favorite restaurant. If they are constantly traveling between home and NICU, you can organize a meal for the family. It will also be helpful if they do not have any support from grandparents or nanny.
3. Easy-to-make food box
New mothers need tons of calories, especially when they are nursing. But cooking during this time can be daunting. You can give your friend a box of easy-to-make food. The items present in the box are chicken soup, vegetable soup, cookies, and rolls. You can insert a notecard to personalize the gift.
The new mom will need to warm the soup, and it will be ready in just a few minutes. It makes a comforting and warming middle night snack she can eat while feeding the baby.
4. Birth recovery set
You can give your friend a box made to recover from vaginal or C-section delivery. If your friend had an unexpected cesarean, a recovery box is an excellent gift for her because she has not planned anything for it. The set includes a belly band to support the midsection organs, soft high-rise undies, pair of mesh undies, stool softeners, and maxi pads. You can also buy two guidebooks in the set, one for the birth giver and the other one for her partner. The book explains recovery and support tips.
A vaginal birth recovery set contains products that help in the transition period of postpartum. Include hand-created, tested, organic, non-toxic, and phthalate-free products. Products a vaginal birth box contains are a belly wrap, a shea body butter, a nipple balm, a hot and cold compress, postpartum undies, a journal, and much more in it.
5. Postpartum bras and undies
Comfortable and stretchable undies and bras are super important in the postpartum period. Some products have packets to insert a heat or ice pack. They can be frozen or kept in a microwave.
6. Lounge pants
Another piece of comfy clothing can be lounge pants. You can gift your friend soft joggers with a high-rise stretch waist, cute tie at ankles, wideband, and pockets. You can include this in the postpartum care package along with other comfy stuff like robes, heating pads, socks, and fancy candles.
New parents often get gifts for the new baby in abundance. As soon as a person announces pregnancy, friends and family members start showering gifts for the baby. While an infant needs many things, the requirements of new mothers are often side-lined. Do not forget to make the whole experience comfortable for the one who did the grueling job of creating a life. These care packages made at different stages of pregnancy will show your sister, friend, or any loved one your care and concern. We hope you have some exciting gift ideas from the list shared here.

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