Last Updated on 3 years by Namrata
A high-quality and elegant leather jacket never goes out of style if you look after it adequately. You have to clean and care for it to retain its beauty. However, leather jacket cleaning can be tricky as, unlike other clothing materials, you cannot simply pop it in the washing machine.
As you never use your coveted leather jacket daily, it is more prone to mold and mildew accumulation. Removing both is not at all an easy task. It will be more difficult when you do not want to damage your jacket by using different cleaning materials.
Cleaning a leather jacket needs patience and proper attention. When cleaning, you should restrain yourself from using excessive water, ammonia, bleach-based, and other cleaners. These might damage the finish and cause the leather to dry or even crack. You have to understand that leather is a porous material, and it absorbs liquids quickly and causes stains. Besides, leather also scratches a bit, and that is why you should keep away sharp objects from it.
So, is your leather jacket dirty and has mold and mildew? Do you want to learn some efficient tips to clean your jacket? If so, then below, we have penned down some quick and easy ways to clean and maintain your coveted leather jacket without damaging it. Hence, let’s start exploring without further delay.

Method 1: Use soap and water
Time needed: 10 minutes
You do not need to purchase any cleaners from the market to clean your lovable leather jacket. Through soap and water, you can efficiently clean in the following ways.
- Prepare a solution
First, you need to take some lukewarm water in a large container. Then, to prepare a strong and effective cleaning solution, you can add two teaspoons of liquid dish wash to that container. After that, stir it until the soap dissolves completely. By following this entire process, you can make a gentle solution that you can apply to your leather jacket for cleaning without damaging it. However, never mix excessive detergent as it can cause the leather to decay and strip it of dyes, resulting in a discolored appearance.
- Take a sponge or soft towel
In this step, you should take a soft towel and sponge and submerge them in a soapy solution. After doing so, you need to wring out the excess water. It is crucial because you will need a damp towel or sponge, not a wet one. If the sponge or the towel is too wet, the water can absorb into and saturate the leather, and as a result, it will lead to more leather damage.
- Wipe down the jacket
Now, you have to damp cloth, towel, or sponge. You need to apply it in long and smooth motions and scrub the leather slowly. It is the most crucial step as here you have to pay attention to water spots, dirty places, and discolored patches on the leather. By following all these, you need to clean the jacket and remove the mold, mildew, and oil by re-wetting the sponge or towel when required.
- Wipe and dry the jacket
In the fourth step, you need to wipe your jacket again by using plain water to remove soap residue. This step is also vital as you need to ensure that the leather does not have any water or soap spot. After making sure of this, take a dry towel or soft cloth and pat the leather until it dries. After that, hang the jacket to enable it to finish drying. For drying, you should never use direct heat as it might damage the leather.
Method 2: Use leather cleaner
If you wish to use leather cleaner for your coveted leather jacket, you can do it as well. To know more about the cleaning process by utilizing a leather cleaner, read the below steps-
Step 1: Purchase a high-quality cleaner
Multiple leather cleaners are out there, and as a result, you need to purchase the best one to avoid damaging your jacket while cleaning it. Leather cleaners are well-liked as these have ingredients that remove mold, mildew, oil, stains, and dirt effectively and assist in softening the leather. You will get this product in gels, sprays, or other forms in the market or online.
Step 2: Apply the cleaner
After buying one, you need to use it to clean your leather jacket. For this, you can take some solution onto the dirty portions of your jacket. Remember that you should always use the solution in little quantity to avoid degrading.
Step 3: Rub the solution
After applying the solution, take a soft towel or cloth and gently rub the cleaner into the jacket surface. To get the best result, you can rub it outwards in a spiral motion. If you do this efficiently, it will remove the dirt, mold, and mildew and also wipe away the water spots on the leather. However, rub the solution until it is absorbed entirely.
Step 4: Remove excess solution
In this step, you need to take another cloth or towel to wipe away the remaining cleaner on the jacket. Afterward, the jacket will look renewed, and the leather will also get moisturized and protected.
Method 3: Use toothpaste, baking soda, or nail polish remover
Apart from the homemade cleaning solutions and ready-made cleaners, you can also use the above items to remove dirty stains from your coveted leather jacket. Read the below section to get more knowledge-
- Toothpaste
If you use toothpaste to clean your leather jacket, you need to take the help of your fingers to apply it to the stained areas. You need to gently rub the toothpaste with a soft cloth to remove the stains. But remember that you should never use gel-based toothpaste and never scrub the leather to avoid scratching and further damage.
- Baking Soda
Baking soda is an effective cleaning ingredient. It efficiently removes water stains, oil, and grease stains. As a result, you can use it to clean your leather jacket. Just sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the stained spots and rub gently with a damp and soft cloth. After that, leave it for a few hours so that the soda can absorb the oil. Then, wipe off the baking soda powder and see the result.
- Nail Polish Remover
You can remove dirty oil stains by using a cotton ball dipped in nail polish remover. For this, you should gently rub the cotton ball in the stained areas. After that, wipe those areas with a damp cloth and leave them to dry. After some time, you will get a stain-free and new leather jacket without spending much time and effort.
How to protect the leather jacket from fungus
So, you have learned a lot of ways to remove mold, mildew, stains, and dirty spots from your leather jacket. But do you know how to safeguard your coveted jacket from fungus? Leather is susceptible to fungus. As a result, you should take proper care to keep your jacket’s style and look. Hence, for this, we have the below tips for you.
- Leather spray
You can spray a tiny amount of leather spray solution to your leather jacket to protect it from fungus. The product is beneficial as it effectively safeguards the leather material from moisture.
- Vinegar
As you know, vinegar is acidic. It also has antifungal properties. So, if you mix 1-cup each of water and vinegar and make a solution, you can clean your leather jacket effectively.
If you use the solution frequently, you can protect the jacket from fungus, mold, and mildew growth.
- Wax
Wax is another helpful element when it comes to protecting leather jackets from fungus growth. Therefore, you can apply wax all over the leather jacket surface if you use your coveted jacket frequently.
FAQs on Cleaning Mold Off a Leather Jacket
Let us now check out the below FAQs related to leather jacket cleaning from mold.
What causes mold on leather?
You do not need to worry if you notice mold on your leather jacket. Mold formulation is a common thing, and there are different ways to overcome this issue. So, to answer your question, below, we have listed down a few reasons that cause mold on leather.
- As leather is a porous material, it is the best thing for mold to grow. Leather absorbs moisture and sweat from our bodies in high humid conditions. Due to this, mold formulates on the leather surface.
- Mold also forms on leather jackets if there is heat around the jacket. Besides, inadequate ventilation is also responsible for this issue.
- If you do not use your leather jacket for a long time, mold will grow as the leather cannot retain its moisture to stay healthy.
- When you never clear your leather jacket, it becomes a perfect place for mold formulation.
- Water is another thing that helps mold to grow on leather. If you use tap or chlorinated for cleaning your leather jacket, mold will begin to form shortly after that.
- Another reason for mold growth on leather is storing. If you put leather with other items that already had mold, the leather will also be affected.
- Mold growth also happens from air conditioning systems and vents in the house.
The answer to the question is yes. Mold contributes to many issues that damage leather. Certain mold types are toxic not only to humans but pathogenic as well. All of these cause multiple diseases also. Therefore, you should take proper care to keep your leather jacket and yourself safe from mold.
Final Thoughts
So, as you have learned a lot of details on how to clean and protect your leather jacket from mold, mildew, fungus, oil, and stains, it is time to apply all these tips. If you efficiently use the ingredients by following the above steps, you can remove stains and oils with ease from the jacket without scratching and degrading it. Besides, you have also understood the factors that help mold growth. So, keep all these things in mind and keep yourself and your coveted leather jacket healthy.

How to clean mold off of a leather jacket in easy steps
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