Where do I find place of issue on my US passport?

Last Updated on 2 years by Namrata

Are you applying for VISA? If yes, you need to enter one field about the place of issue.

You may wonder now where do I find a place of issue on my US passport?

You need to look at the front page of your passport carefully. You will find the United States Department of State under authority written on the passport page’s lower right corner.

You must remember that in every US passport, you will not find the United States Department of State written under the authority’s name. 

There may be some passports where it will be written some other things like National Passport center or office names like DC or New Orleans.

So, you must fill up whatever is written under the authority’s name as the place of issue while filling out the VISA application.

There are some US passports for which you may need help finding something written about the place of the issue. In that case, you can type USA as a place of issue while filling in the VISA application.

US passport

What Are The Tips For Filling Out The VISA Application Form For The US?

1. Date 

The date format must be adequately mentioned, i.e., date -month, and year.

2. Photograph

You must attach a two by 2 inches photograph to the application form. But never staple or use any pin for attaching the picture. You can use glue and attach the photo while filling VISA application.

The photo will be used in your US passport and needs a white background. Additionally, the picture should have your front view, including your head and shoulders. 

The photographs taken at home are even acceptable. But it must be clear and comply with all the rules and regulations.

3. Name 

You need to write your last name on the first line of the application form. You can then write your first and middle name in the previous line of the application form.

Write your name correctly, similar to the passport. If you have changed your name recently and mainly after issuing the passport, you need to modify your passport before filling out your VISA application form.

4. Nationality Or Citizenship

You need to write the name of every country if you have more than one citizenship.

5. Passport -Place Of Issue

You need to look at your passport’s first photo page in a US passport. The place of issue is usually written under the authority. You will find there National Passport Center, New Orleans, or Chicago. You need to write the name exactly what is written under the authority .

6. Passport Issuing Authority

The issuing authority for US passports is usually XXX passport agency, in which the first name will be of a city like Chicago.

7. Airline Name

You must clearly and accurately write the airline’s name, including the flight number.

8. Name And Address Of The Hotel Or Person Whom You Want To Stay

If you intend to stay in a hotel, correctly write the hotel’s name. You need to mention the address and telephone number.

9. Current Residential address

You must write your current address and zip code clearly and accurately. If you do not return to this address, mention the permanent and local addresses.

10. Current Occupation

You must write your current occupation or profession while completing the VISA application form.

11. Name And Address Of The Employer

You need to write the name and address of the employer.

12. Criminal Record

If you have criminal records, mention them while filling out the VISA application form.

13. Signature

Ensure that your password has your signature, and the signature on the VISA application form should match the passport.

Where Can I Find The Place Of Issue On My UK Passport?

Are you from the UK and want to apply for VISA? If yes, you need to write about the place of issue in the VISA application form.

You need to open the front page of the password and look to the right corner of it. You will find IPS written just under the Authority or Autorite.

You need to type the same IPS(Identity and Passport Service) while filling in the place of an issue during the VISA application form. But remember that you will only find IPS in some UK passports. You may find some other thing written under the authority or autorite. 

For instance, you will find UPKA(UK Passport Agency)or FCO( also under the autorite. You can type what is written under the autorite while filling out the VISA application form, and there will not be any issue. The application will get approved by the authorities. You will find UPKA written on the old passport; on the new passport, you will find IPS.

Where Can I Find The Place Of Issue On My Australian Passport?

You need to check the front page of the Australian passport. It is usually written Australia under the authority. You must type Australia as a place of issue while filling out your VISA application.

But if you belong to Australia and there is some other thing written under the authority, type whatever is written under it while filling in the VISA application.


A US passport is evidence of being an American citizen, allowing you to visit numerous countries and enter to United States. You will have more than 9000 passport agencies in the United States.

Today the passport design has changed, including the passport holder’s date or place of birth. It even includes a chip with all the required information.

You will find a place of issue, usually on the photo page and under the authority’s name. You must write whatever is written under the authority’s name, and your VISA application will be accepted. The method may vary if you belong to something other than the United States.

Thank you for reading this article, and I hope you like it. You can ask any queries regarding the VISA application form in the comment section. We will be glad to answer your queries.

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